The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers is the main regulator of the entire global banking system
Foundation of the Bank
The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers (WSBOH) is the single issuing bank, credit bank for the national economy and settlement house of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta, the Supreme Sovereign Order of Hospitallers.

Founders of the bank
The founders of the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers are the Supreme Sovereign Order of Hospitallers and the Sovereign International Treasury Monetary One.

The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers
Historical bank
WSBOH is the successor to the First European Bank, founded by the Templar Knights
Main regulator
WSBOH is the main regulator of the entire global banking system
World Administrator
WSBOH is the custodian of all the world's financial and banking assets
The Bank’s goal is to ensure that all people live in prosperity. To support economic, social and technological progress in harmony with nature. By promoting responsible and sustainable practices, the Bank creates a better future for people and ensures their well-being.
As part of the Order of Hospitallers, the Bank also fulfills its historical sacred mission to overcome the global financial crisis and prevent global nuclear war. It eliminates the destructive, toxic and dysfunctional debt-based financial system. The Bank forms a World Financial System based on Heavenly Principles and the Gold Standard. That means on the Sacred Spiritual Golden Treasures of RA M0, M1 (XAU). The Bank was created to serve Enlightened Humanity and promote its development and prosperity, according to the Divine principles of Creation and the Creation of a Enlightened Creative World, based on the Heavenly principle, justice, universal love and harmony.

- 1 Golden ECU = 1 ounce of gold
- 1 Golden Pecu = 1 g gold
- 1 Golden Dollar = 1 g of gold
- 1 Golden Soviet Ruble = 1 g of gold
- 1 CryptoXAU (AXM) = 1 g gold
Gold-backed currencies
The world’s first gold-backed cryptocurrency, CryptoXau (AXM), was issued and registered by the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers. CryptoXau, as well as all currency issues issued by the World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers, are stably backed by the system bank gold M0 (XAU).
The First European Bank
The World Sovereign Bank of the Order of Hospitallers is the full successor of the First European Bank, founded by the Templar Knights – the poor companions of Christ and the Temple of Solomon (lat. Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici), also known as the Order of the Temple of Solomon, based on the deed of transfer of all inheritance, including inheritance and the property of the Templar Order, into the ownership of the Hospitaller Order in 1312.

Treasure of RA
The Order was entrusted with the protection and storage of the treasures of the RA, which are a source of enormous spiritual energy and wealth. These valuable assets were transferred to a line of spiritually ordained descendants of God Salem known as the Guardian Family. Our sacred duty is to protect these assets until the appointed time of the Dawn of Svarog and the surrender of these assets.
These spiritual assets are located deep underground, at a depth of more than 10 km. The storage facilities are effectively protected by technologies that block access to this area and are inaccessible to unauthorized persons. This ensures that assets and the energies stored in them can only be accessed by people with a certain level of authorization and that only people with a certain spiritual level can interact with them.
The significance of these assets is that they form the golden ratio of space and play a key role in the interconnected matrix of life. They are the very essence of energy and resources that maintain the balance and harmony of the Universe.
Over the centuries, the Guardian family has worked hard to maintain contact with these energies, ensuring their continued flow and preservation. Their dedication to sacred duties ensured that the spiritual assets remained untainted and untouched, ready to fulfill their ultimate purpose at the appointed time. It is through the guidance and protection of spiritually destined descendants that we can ensure that these valuable resources will be preserved for future generations and serve as a beacon of light and hope in the darkness.