The Order of Hospitallers awakens during periods of human development when it comes to the salvation and survival of humanity on Earth
Before the last night of Svarog, when the higher beings had to leave the Earth, the Order fell asleep. He slept until he was awakened by humanity’s cry for help. With the approach of the day of Svarog and the growth of energies on Earth, the Order became active again to continue its sacred mission. Currently, the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta, the Supreme Sovereign Order of Hospitallers, has the status of the Supreme Sovereign on Earth. Based on historical events and agreements, all other orders and all other factions are inferior to this Sovereign. The Order is also the highest military order of the Heavenly Army for the protection of the Earth and bright humanity. Knights of the Order are Svarozhichi, manifested on Earth in human bodies. Currently, the Order continues its sacred mission to protect humanity, liberate it from the dominance of parasites and, with targeted steps, manages the development of the entire Earth.

Entry into the Order is possible only by invitation and is subject to approval by the Grand Intendant of the Order.
Membership in the Order is an honor and will only be granted to people who deserve it, either in recognition of achievements made in carrying out the mission of the Order, but also in anticipation of ongoing efforts to make a difference. The knight must take an oath to help and care for people, to help improve their living conditions, to help in economic, social and spiritual development and to do everything in his power to save and develop bright humanity.
Any person, regardless of gender, origin, nationality, race and religion, who wishes to develop according to the Rules and complies with the following principles, can become a Knight of the Supreme Sovereign Order of Hospitallers.
The Knight considers his membership in the Order to be a privilege and a manifestation of spiritual reward for his actions and the power to act and spread good. The Knight uses his membership, rights and privileges solely for the aid and development of society. The knight refuses to use his advantages and position for selfish purposes.
A knight lives and acts according to the virtue of conscience, never straying from the truth, even in the most difficult moments. In every situation, he is guided by what is right, regardless of personal gain or external pressure. The knight’s conscience leads him to protect the weak, defend justice, and leave a legacy in this world that will inspire future generations to act morally and have the courage to stand for what is right.
A knight must be physically and mentally strong, able to endure adversity and withstand the hostility of fate. He must always be ready to face challenges and obstacles with courage and determination. He must support his brothers no matter the circumstances. In the fight, he will always take the side of the innocent and defenseless, sacrificing himself for the sake of the greater good.
A knight’s strength comes from the physical, moral and spiritual levels. Spiritual practice gives the knight strength and guidance. It is faith in something greater than oneself and faith in a higher purpose. The knight understands that his abilities and strength come from inner peace, and therefore, through his spiritual practice, he always keeps his insides pure and harmonious.
The knight is sensitive and kind, helping the weak and protecting the innocent from harm. He has the ability to empathize with the feelings and situations of other beings, allowing him to better understand them and meet their needs. Thanks to his capacity for compassion, he brings hope and light, harmonizing space.
The knight is generous and giving, showing kindness, mercy and compassion to those in need. He shares his resources and time with others and does not care about his own comfort if he can help others. His generosity and selflessness set an example for others and inspire hope in people. The knight believes that true wealth lies in the ways in which he can influence and help others, and that his good deeds will have a lasting positive impact on society as a whole.
The knight is always sincere and honest in all his words, actions and decisions. His words are true, and his actions are always based on honesty and justice. A knight is not afraid to stand up for the truth and acts in accordance with moral values and ethical principles. The knight’s truthfulness is manifested not only in his communication with others, but also with himself. A knight is able to speak honestly about his shortcomings and imperfections, and that is why he constantly moves towards greater spiritual and moral perfection.
A knight lives according to the CONEs (Universal Laws) of creation, which transcend human and societal laws. The knight knows that the CONEs govern the balance and harmony of the world, and always acts in accordance with higher principles that ensure order and the integrity of being in all aspects of life.
The symbol of the Supreme Sovereign Order Hospitaller is an eight-pointed cross, commonly called the Cross of Malta, white on a black background. The Maltese cross symbolizes divine protection, and each part of the cross has its own meaning.
The flag of the Supreme Sovereign Order of Hospitallers is black, with an eight-pointed white cross in the middle.
Coat of arms
The coat of arms of the Supreme Sovereign Order Hospitaller is a black Gothic shield with a white eight-pointed cross.